Fall Trip with the Wild Mustangs Pt. 1
Fall Trip with the Wild Mustangs Pt. 1
A couple weeks ago we spent 5 days on the Onaqui range with good friends, and great horses. Camping in the wide open spaces of the west desert is always amazing, and always soothes my soul. It can be windy, dusty, hot, cold, and that’s just in one single day.
But the skies!
Hubby and I have been camping on our public land, photographing our public horses in the west, for about 8 years now. I told him the other day, I’m so glad I decided on a whim one day to find the wild horses because I wanted to photograph them.
That single decision, and the years that have followed have changed our lives in so many ways. We’ve met wonderful people, wonderful wild horses, and become advocates for these gentle souls to keep them free.
I have my favorite’s, and so does the hubby. Horses we have to see, and reconnect with every time we can. Like old friends.
Fall is more subdued with the wild horses. Breeding has been done for the year, and they are preparing for winter.
But the colors, and the light in autumn can’t be beat.
There’s still some scuffles here and there, just to keep everyone on their toes.
But peaceful, is the mood on the range.
Goofy too.
The landscape is made so much more beautiful when it includes our wild horses, and I can’t imagine a day when they are gone. The fight to keep them free, and on their home land has been waging for years. And in turn, the BLM has ramped up the roundups all over the west. Driven by the livestock industry, the government listens to them, and not the people who value our public lands, and the wild horses who live there.
Things need to change, or these magnificent animals will be gone forever.
But, we fight on. And most of all I soak up all I can, when I can.
This post is part 1 simply because I have so many images to share, so be on the look out for part 2 soon.
Wonderful photos. Powerful words
Thank you for a lovely silent post – visual – my favorite kind –
I feel like I’m there! Well, not really! 😉 Beautiful captures of my favorites, Mary. I see “your boy” was looking mighty fine. That mane!!!!